Aug 042012

She left us 6 months ago today, but I find myself thinking more about her birth then her death.  Not her springing to life after her baptism, or the gasps of the staff in the room, but more about the good moments afterwards.   She had such incredibility cute ears, it was hard to keep them under the hat we had for her.  New baby skin is incredibly soft, her ears were super floppy.  Tiny little floppy perfect little ears.

Getting her dressed for the first time was a challenge.  I was so afraid I’d hurt her, and let me tell you she was one strong little lady.  She had no interest in having her her arms moved into sleeves.  Alexandria felt so fragile, I wanted to be so careful as to not hurt her.  One thing she did love about the experience was the warming lamps she was under.  In the photo below I was sure my hair was going to catch fire.  She was very content there, very happy, calm, when she laid there, at least while I wasn’t try to wrestle her into clothes…

Getting her dressed for the first time (12/16)

Once the boys arrived they were very interested….  Well, some of them.  Aden wasn’t, he knew the drill and you could see “oh man, that’s a bundle of trouble” in his eyes.  Gabriel was thrilled though, he knew momma was having a baby again and it fascinated him.  Ethan… wasn’t so sure, his facial expression was along the lines of “Where in the world did you get that?”


Ethan and Gabriel approaching for a first look (12/16)


Alexandria and Kimberly (12/16)



I was so incredibly happy.  We were getting time.  We were getting to meet her, to speak to her, sing, hold, cuddle… to love her.  It was scary, she’d have episodes and it could all abruptly end, but when she was happy and cooing the way small babies do, I’ve never been happier.  Even when she scrunched up her face to let us know she wasn’t terribly happy with being pulled from the warm, quite comfortable home inside momma…. I still beamed with pride and happiness.

Douglas and Alexandria (12/16)

 Gabriel too was proud and excited.  With me and NILMDTS taking pictures he had to grab momma’s camera and take some of his own.  He wanted to be a photographer like his daddy, to capture these moments with his sister…

Gabriel taking pictures (12/16)


It was such a perfect day, the first of many.  The holy spirit filled up that room, it felt so safe.  We were wrapped in it.  We prayed thanks, we held Him up who’d granted us such a wonderful season.  Thanks be to God.

Kim and Alexandria and me (12/16)

 Posted by on August 4, 2012 at 12:55 pm

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